Sabtu, 19 November 2011

paloma faith - technicolour

It was all in monochrome,without the light,
Just like a silver screen you walked into my life

You taught the stars to light up what was dark
I found the light saturated in your charm
We kiss the sky and dance across rainbows
Now it's all in technicolor with you

bagian ini.....bagian ini...... (T_________T)v aku bgt

Jumat, 18 November 2011

Proyek baru

mas, mbok tolong di buatkan kerudung yang tidak panas bagus dan sesuai sariat.........

ok........ (.^^)d

Senin, 14 November 2011

NGERI >.< "NJLIMET" susah..............

cara pembuatan videonya


Ini yang namanya "sovenir" laut............


Minggu, 13 November 2011


---Jumping up the nation---

Washington, Tokyo, Paris and Rome
Are the best for crazy dance
London, Miami, L.A., Monaco
Are the best for groove, sexy cool

gara2 ginian aku bisa nyetir mubil dalam 2 bulan,bonus smooth driving

M.O.V.E Blast my desire

M.O.V.E Gamble rumble

M.O.V.E rage your dream

every heart

yang inggris saja ya :D yang jepang dah bosen..... :-p