Sabtu, 17 September 2011

the eco muslim site


K.I.S.S theory

Membiarkanya tetap sederhana,
tetap simpel,
selama ribuan tahun yang sederhanalah yang bertahan

(art marine)

Jumat, 16 September 2011

seaweed jewlry


seaweed braclet 2


tanpa Huruf

seandainya huruf s tidak di depan.....maka huruf e ada di depan
padahal huruf l ada di akhir,dan huruf a ada di tengah
apakah huruf k ada di tengah??, ternyata tidak,hey huruf k dan a berada di tengah
jujur aku menjadi semakin bingung...karena sekarang huruf j yang ada di tengah

apa kamu mengerti? , ah sudah ;ah sekarang malah huruf p yang ada di tengah dan huruf a yang ada di pinggir

(marine art)

Kamis, 15 September 2011

Tanpa batas.......

aku ingin seperti Tuhan,

aku ingin seperti Tuhan,

punya kesabaran tanpa batas,

pemaaf tanpa batas,

apakah aku bisa?

Ternyata aku bukan Tuhan.....

(marine art)

Rabu, 14 September 2011

Sea Shanty

Sea shanties are songs that were sung by sailors in rhythm with their work. The word may derive from the French words chanter meaning "to sing" or chantez meaning "sing!", which gives rise to the spelling variations "chanty", "chantey", "chanties", and "chanteys". Alternately, the word may have originated with American loggers, sailors, railroad and dock workers. These migrant workmen typically lived in camps of "shanties", derived from the French word gantry meaning "trellis or roof", and often these rustic shacks weren't much more than that. These hardworking men would pass their leisure time drinking, singing and playing music in their camps, and the folk songs that they sang came to be called "shanty songs". This etymological analysis gives rise to the spelling variants "shanty", "shantey", "shanties", and "shanties".

Whatever the derivation, sea shanties were sung by sailors to ease the burden of hard physical labor. A true sea shanty was sung in rhythm to work on the ship and never during leisure time. Different types of shanties were sung to accompany the various tasks on the ship, for example halyard shanties were sung during the raising and lowering the sails and capstain shanties were sung during the raising or lowering of the anchor. Many songs that we often consider to be sea shanties are actually forebitters or forecastle (fo'c'sle) songs that were sung during the men's scarse leisure time while relaxing in the foreward below deck area. These songs were often ballads of love or longing to return home.


Senin, 12 September 2011

Narwhal (Monodon monoceros)

Teman vs Sahabat

Teman adalah saat di butuhkan dia boleh menolak untuk memberi bantuan

Sahabat adalah tidak boleh menolak saat sahabatnya kesusahan

contoh kasus jika kamu bersahabat......
1."kamu gimana sih, katanya sahabat...kok ga mau bantu"
2."kamu kan sahabatku, bantu aku ya........"

contoh kasus jika kamu berteman.....
1.A: "eh bantu aku dong....."
B: "waduh aku ada urusan nih...."
A: " oh ya sudah tidak apa-apa"

2.A: "eh bantu aku dong...."
B: "kebetulan aku lagi kosong...ok aku datang"
A: "OK"

\(^.^)/ terserah kalian pilih yang mana......
sesuaikan dengan hati kalian.........


maaf telat m(_ _)m

langsung di mulai saja ya <(.^^)/

Shaum Sunnah Syawwal (2-7 Hijriyyah)
Shaum Sunnah Ayyam Al-bidi (13-15 Syawwal)

1 Dzul Qa'dah 1432H .Kamis Kliwon,29 september 2011 M.
tinggi hilal 10' 50' 40" dalam pandangan mata di jawa tengah.

Hillal berada pada 10,22 derajat sebelah selatan titik barat atau 8 derajat,15,32' sebelah selatan matahari terbenam dalam keadaaan miring ke selatan.

Nurul hilal 0,98 inch,dan lamanya di atas ufuk jawa tengah 50 menit,hingga jam 18.24 WIB.

catatan:Ijtimak menjelang masuknya bulan Dzul Qa'dah,terjadi pada hari selasa Pon 27 September 2011 M , jam 18.09 WIB (setelah matahari terbenam)

SUMBER (tim penanggalan jawa tengah,Kudus a.k.a tanggalan di kamar saya)

Minggu, 11 September 2011

Kelakuan saya hari ini

<(.><)> arghhhhhhhhh...........
::panik guling2 di kasor nyari2 netbook yang entah kemana::

<(><.)> waaaaaaaaaaaaaa............
::lupa nyari charger netbook yang entah kemana::

laporan KKL baru 8 lembar...............

(_ _!!) "pemalas kau dhanar............"

\(@.@)/ arhhhkkkkk.........

(T.T)a mama..............
::nangis dan sesenggukan di kasur, sambil guling2 karena lupa sandi di "google doc" ::

Whale's Lament

Oh! great Leviathan friend
master of the sea.
Can you be so near your end
to never again be free?
Do you see the horror known as man
the killers of your young?
Can you understand their master plan
to leave your song unsung?

Does the mournful song you sing?
tell of sorrow and of pain
Do you wonder why man will bring
the end of your long reign?

Do you yearn for better days
where you can live in peace?
And communicate your gentle ways
and make the killing cease.

Oh! gentle giant speak to man
let him hear your plea
Logic and reason must save your clan
and let you forever be

Copyright (c) 1995 Bern J. Qualheim

What if Whales had Wings?

It's really rather weird how a really weird word can
make a whale tale take flight....
It's even sort of strange how a tragic tale of a whales
tail can make even a worn walrus wail...
But most suprising of all is this tale I will tell
the tale of the great winged whale.
Now gather your freshly feathered fins, my friends,
Don't let me fly on by.
This tale I will tell is a whale of tale.
Really! It is a Great whale tale!
But, this tale is not at all a tale of a whales tail.

Take wing with me to see, you see,
a high-way, way high in the sky...
To see the sea from an all new view.
To see a sea brand new to you.
Take flight on the great wings of a whale.

Dreams of thunderous wings and unearthly flights.
Treading on tail winds, tip-toeing on tides.
Do you hear the winged tales of fancies of flight?
See whales on wings searching surfs from above.
See seashells on sea shores glimmering in the night.
Do you see the sea? Can a winged whale be?.

Scores of wondering... wandering...
wistfully wishing water bound whales,
floating along seemingly seamless beaches.
Swimming through salads of seaweed as shimmering
star light shines sharp shards of
silent glimmers on the tails of these wingless whales

Trashing their tails, trying to rise high,
The turbulence is stronger than the
wanting whales cry!
Wishing and wailing are the whales without wings.
Could they...? Would they... Foresee any flight?
Is their future a free world?
Will they rise above the sea on this watery night?

Each whale might feel feathers.
Each whale might grow wings.
Each whale might rise up on the waves
to try to take flight,
emerging from the deep...
reaching for dreams within sight.

From the waves of the ocean to the tides in the sky,
Up to the jet stream - finally flying high!
There is another whale who has wings and a dream.

Do you see the sea weed singing
as the wings bend the wind?
"Where do you come from, Oh whale with new wings?
And, Oh whale on the air-stream,
Where have you been?"

"Well.. under, from Down under"
A whisper portrays,
"From underneath, from the silence,
from under the waves."
Now, Underwear is the question - to that I agree,
but this whale of a winged whale tale
confuses even me!
For the laws of the ocean
to the rights of the sky
are changed by the heavens,
even higher in the sky.

As the tail of this whale tale begins to approach
thunderous wings move us where with each stroke?
If whales could have wings isn't for us to know,
But if whales could have wings
Where would they go?

High in the sky, whales winging it up.
"To a whale of a party," winged whale tells.
"To a whale of a wing ding.
A swell whale type of thing."
Dancing to the tuneless tides in the sky,
the whales on the wings,
wailing a melody till the end of the nigh.

The porpoise of this whale tale
is beginning to clear.
It's not of swordfish or tortoises
that brings us here.
On the motions of oceans... On the turbulent tides
On the currents and jet streams
this great tale now rides.

To vision the seas full of feathers disguised,
To look... To wonder
where winged whales might hide.
Only to dream of a scene -
And the scheme of the scene is...
The Wing.

I now must confess, this quest is a jest
for those mystical wings.
But as shorefulls of dorsal cut the surface knife like
The wings beat us riddles as along side we ride...
For the beating of the wings
speaks of the things we need most...
Secrets released...
Traveling the coast.

Do you see where I'm coming from?
Do you see where I'm at?
Or do you still wonder of whales tails and where I've been last?

From The Ancient Poems of the Finnish People

Voi meitä merisikoja,
hyvän järven hylkehiä,
meri syöttävi sikansa,
hyvä järvi hylkehensä,
hyvä on hylkehen meressä,
kalan syömme kaikenlaisen,
veen juomme vierestämme.

Mikä on meitillä eleä,
kuin meille meri näkyvi,
meri meiän ikkunahan,
meri syötti meri saattoi,
meri mieheksi elätti,
meri saatoi saappahasen,
meri verkahan vetävi,
meri silkkihin sivalsi.

SKVR XIII2:3346 (Etelä-Karjala) Rautu. Ahlqvist

Woe us, the porpoises,
the seals of the good lake.
The sea feeds her own pigs,
the good lake its own seals.
Well it is for the seal in the sea,
all the kinds of fish we eat,
water we drink at our side.

What there is for us but to live,
as the sea is there for us to see,
at our window the sea to see.
The sea fed us, the sea followed us,
the sea bred us to manhood.
The sea led us into the boots,
the sea drew us into clothes,
the sea slashed us into silks.

The Old Runes of the people of Finland (SKVR 13,2:3346),
Southern Carelia, Rautu parish (Ahlqvist)

English translation by Jöns Carlson


"If his whales were not wood, they might breathe"

